Bill Bean Books


Kathy Smith Review

Tales From An Exorcist

Reverend William J. Bean is an enormously gifted author. His new book, "Tales From An Exorcist" is fresh, shocking, and wholly new. It is a stunning read, a masterpiece that asks readers to reflect on the good and evil that enters their lives. The heart of this book is a portrait of a boy turned man surviving and flourishing after growing up in a home where he and his family endured demonic attack.

The central theme of this book is redemption through facing the demonic realm with the power of faith. It also shows the reader the fragility of life and how to weave spiritual faith into modern life. This book is an example of the best kind of story telling. It provides readers with an insight into what a day in the life of an Exorcist entails. 

It also chronicles the problems the demonically afflicted and their families go through. This book will have a strong emotional impact on you. Likely to resonate with a public that has been sleepwalking through the demonic gradual reshaping of the world we live in. It will grab you and refuse to let you go. You will want to sit with this one again and again for years to come. Unrelenting and unforgettable, Tales From An Exorcist is an American classic in the making.

Kathy Smith

Other Tales From An Exorcist Reviews

From Tiffany Bean,  Maire Dimauro and Bob Bergstrom

Tales From An Exorcist Review

Tiffany Bean

Bill Bean has been passionate for over ten years with his testimony. He has found a purpose in this world which consists of helping others overcome the evil and wickedness that the earth is filled with.

He has made it his goal in life to help as many people as possible gain a new found freedom in Christ and shed the chaos and destruction that the enemy loves to cause in our lives.

I am a witness to how evil overtakes a persons life and I am also a person who is trying to break the bloodline curse that has wrecked generations in my family, just as my uncle is trying to do the same.

Life is definitely not easy. We go through struggles, which some people think doesn’t happen when we gain faith and a relationship with Jesus, but we do still have to deal with this world. I am struggling in my relationship with God right now and have distanced myself from Him, but I am going to use the prayers in my Uncle Bill’s book and reread this story to see that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that God is with us even when we feel like He is not. Even through the hard times, we can look back and see how God was there.

My Uncle wants everyone to see how his life has changed drastically and give you a hope that you may not have had before. Your story doesn’t have to stay dark and broken. You can be healed and changed.

Tales From An Exorcist Review

Marie DiMauro


Reverend Bill Bean has done it again with his newest book “Tales From an Exorcist”.

I found it hard to put down! Reverend Bean provides us with a brief history of his own on how he was guided to his calling to have God work through him to help others. The book also provides an in-depth look at just a few of the most haunting cases he has worked on.


Reverend Bean then guides us, his readers, how to recognise and what we should do to break strongholds that lead to oppression and/or possession bringing ourselves closer to God so we can make Him first. This is the ultimate lifestyle we need to have in life to be completely free from bondage in the end.

No matter where our walk leads us, we all want to live life as happily and as free from negative experiences as we can. Immersed in this book, I would see myself, and at one point, my own family, in many of the situations and things that are spoken of in this book: a real eye-opener!


Reverend Bean has a true insight on things that I have only gotten a glimpse of throughout my life. Those things have been taken, expanded on, and put together nicely into one place so I can refer back time and again should the need for me to do so arise. The book is not a one time read! It is truly one I can read over and again to find answers, get the help I do need, and ultimately feel like I’m not alone in this great big world.

Thank you Reverend Bill Bean! ~~~Marie DiMauro

Tales From An Exorcist Review

Bob Bergstrom

Couldn't put the book down! Fantastic read..........


PURGE is food for the spirit!

Life can be very challenging at times and most of what is presented in this book comes from personal experience. I know what it's like to suffer and to struggle in a variety of ways. I will never forget the depressed and hopeless feeling that I had for so many years. 


GOD worked a miracle of healing and transformation for me that I cannot accurately describe in words. However, it wasn't until I decided that I was sick and tired of being sick and tired enough to want to make a positive change in my life. 

Dark Force "Revisited"

In 1970, the Bean family moved into a modest three-bedroom ranch-style house in Glen Burnie, Maryland.

Bill Bean said It had a foreboding and ominous feel from the beginning. 
The family was completely unaware that demonic forces were in their new home, lurking in the shadows, ready to attack. Bill Bean stated that his family was torn apart by an evil force that existed among them. The activity began as noises and gradually escalated into violent physical attacks on Bill and his family by the entities. 

In his book Dark Force Revisited, Bill Bean describes in terrifying detail the events that tormented his family. Bill went back and added an addidtional chapter to Dark Force Revisted, going into further detail after leaving the house. As disturbing as some of the content in Dark Force Revisited is, there’s a powerful message of hope and faith that has positively affected many readers.


After reading Dark Force, I found it to be one of the most captivating stories that I have ever known. Through it all, Bill Bean has stood tall as a champion of faith. His story has touched and inspired many.


                                                   Dark Force is a must read book.                                                       


George Noory   Host of Coast to Coast AM

Stranger Than Fiction

Bill Bean has done a great job of connecting the paranormal dots in his new book "Stranger Than Fiction."  His Mandela Effect chapter is absolutely mind blowing. Great book that is a must-read!                     

George Noory     Coast to Coast AM

Stranger Than Fiction 2

"Incredibly honest, inciteful and even prophetic. 

Bill Bean's experiences should be a cautionary tale to those who dabble, delve and investigate things that fall under the Paranormal and don't give it it's proper respect.  

Ami Green

Amazon Best Seller!

From Best-Selling Author and Spiritual Warrior, Bill Bean
(AS SEEN ON TV), comes an account of his journey through extreme supernatural encounters and personal hardship to become an Exorcist / Spiritual Deliverance Minister, traveling all over America and assisting people worldwide.

The Connection will show you how to transform your life by having a personal relationship with GOD (YAHWEH).
These are the steps and passages that helped Bill to transform from victim to Victor!

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